In a charming setting where Italian tradition meets contemporary creativity, Gelato Classes offer a unique opportunity for culinary lovers to delve into the art and science behind this classic gelato.
Why, after all, should a food so appreciated around the world be restricted to one season? We will demonstrate, as in several countries, that gelato should ALWAYS be on your menu, bringing much more innovation and diversity to your customers, as a unique business opportunity.
Em 2025, a Fipan será o palco da grande final do Campeonato Nacional do Gelato Festival! Não perca a chance de presenciar os melhores gelatieri do Brasil: 12 competidores disputarão os dois melhores sabores de gelato artesanal. Será uma competição repleta de sabor, criatividade e paixão pelo gelato artesanal. Os vencedores viajarão para a Itália para concorrer ao título mundial!
Visitors can enjoy free tastings, interactive workshops with renowned chefs.
Demonstrations of gelato manufacturing techniques with extremely innovative and perfect productions for the YOUR BUSINESS.
In these classes, participants are welcomed by experienced and passionate chefs who share their expert knowledge of the ingredients, techniques and secrets behind creating the perfect gelato.