Before starting your accreditation for to the event, carefully read the Informations below:

  • É proibida a utilização de drone e/ou qualquer equipamento aéreo não tripulado nas áreas internas dos pavilhões, lobby, áreas externas  e nas áreas de estacionamento, sob pena de retenção do equipamento pela Organização do evento.
  • Accreditation and entry to the fair for children under 14 years of age will not be permitted.
  • Infants up to 12 months of age will be allowed access as long as they are accompanied by their guardians, by signing a Term of Responsibility, during the administration of the event on the day of the visit.
  • The Organization also suggests that, as it is a business fair, visitors should not go to the event wearing shorts, tank tops, caps and/or flip-flops.
  • Visitantes estão proibidos de comercializar qualquer tipo de produto, físico ou digital, sob pena de serem removidos das dependências do evento.

The accreditation process takes place in 2 stages:

1. Preenchimento dos dados do visitante e demais informações;
2. Realizar pagamento.

  • We suggest that you carry out both steps at the same time. Thus, by completing the process, you avoid queues on the day of your visit.
  • Accreditation is individual, based on the visitor's CPF. It is not possible to accredit several people under the same CPF.
  • The credential is personal and non-transferable, and the bearer may be asked at any time to prove their identity using a legally recognized photo ID.
  • Ao participar do evento, você concorda com a utilização de sua imagem, nome e voz em quaisquer mídias.
  • The credential will not be sent by mail and must be collected at the entrance of the event, upon presentation of the CPF and/or email proving your accreditation and payment.
  • Half price tickets can only be purchased on fair entrance

For questions, visit: Common questions

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