THE CONFECTIONER ARENA, held annually during the FIPAN, aims to train and develop confectionery professionals through live classes with experts, who share techniques and recipes. The event highlights trends and practices focused on “Make and sell”, promoting greater professionalism among entrepreneurs in the sector.
It is our meeting point for networking, bringing together brands, suppliers and confectioners, offering business opportunities to everyone in the sector. With a diverse program, it attracts professionals looking for improvement and market innovations.
FIPAN's mission is to professionalize the sector, therefore, the environments will have two models of professional classes, being demonstrative and practical:
A FIPAN oferece uma EDUCAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL constante e acessível para seu público. Com o Quiz FIPAN, preparamos uma maneira divertida e educativa de se preparar para a próxima edição do evento. O Quiz acontecerá mensalmente de fevereiro a julho, com prêmios de patrocinadores a cada etapa.
Fique atento às nossas redes sociais para as datas, prazos e detalhes dos prêmios. O vencedor de cada etapa será aquele que acertar todas as perguntas primeiro, e receberá seu prêmio durante a FIPAN, no stand de cada patrocinador, mediante apresentação de documento com foto.
The 2nd FIPAN 2024 Cake Championship was a real success! In 2025, we will hold the 3rd edition, promising an even grander event, which will have five categories in the next edition, as well as several challenges and surprises that will certainly take the competition to a new level.
To compose the team of technical judges, FIPAN invited renowned professionals and masters for each category.
We will also have a popular jury that will be made up of visitors to the fair, a real show in itself, always with vital interaction from the public, as we are all part of this event.
Amélia Lino
Maria Farias
Wesley Benvenuto
Janaína Aparecida
Luciana Calamita
Vanessa Sales
Iara Reis
Paulo Henrique
Renata Cajuela
Cinthia Araújo
Paula Mello
Twane Sullíria
Aline Colucci
Ana Cordeiro
Lhuana Esperança
Sponsoring the FIPAN Confectionery Arena is an excellent opportunity for companies looking to stand out in a competitive market, promoting their brand and contributing to the growth of the confectionery sector.