Common questions

No, FIPAN is a business fair aimed only at business people and employees of companies linked to the sectors represented at the event.

R$ 65,00

Half-price tickets will only be sold on site, on the days of the event, and payment cannot be made through the FIPAN website and will follow the legal provisions as below.

It is mandatory to present documentation at the FIPAN sales counter that proves the right to the benefit in accordance with current legislation.

FIPAN is not responsible for non-entry into the event if proof is not provided.


In accordance with Federal Law no. 10741/2003, better known as the Elderly Statute, people aged 60 or over are entitled to Half Price and must present an official identity document with a photo.


They must present a Student Identification Card (CIE), issued by the National Association of Postgraduate Students (ANPG), National Union of Students (UNE), Brazilian Union of Secondary Students (Ubes), state and municipal student entities, Central Student Directories, Academic Centers and Directories at secondary and higher education levels, according to a single, nationally standardized model that you can check at this link. (Article 3, §1 of Decree 8,537/15)

The indispensable elements of the CIE are (Art. 3, §2 and 2, VI of Decree 8,537/15):

I – student’s full name and date of birth;

II – recent photo of the student;

III – name of the educational institution in which the student is enrolled;

IV – level of education; It is

V – expiration date until March 31st of the year following its issuance.


Continuous Social Assistance Benefit Card for Persons with Disabilities or document issued by the National Social Security Institute – INSS that certifies retirement in accordance with the criteria established in Complementary Law No. 142, of May 8, 2013. At the moment to use the tickets, these documents must be accompanied by an official identification document with a photo. (Article 6 of Decree 8,537/15)


Functional card issued by the São Paulo Department of Education or pay stub accompanied by official document with photo.

The price gives the right to visit the event during the 4 days.

The courtesy is intended only for exhibitors and event management


Through the fair's website,, you can register by filling in your details, using Then go to the end, purchasing your ticket.


No. You must collect your credential on the day of your visit, presenting your CPF.

He can. You will complete the entire accreditation process without entering the payment environment. But on the day of your visit, payment will be mandatory to collect your credential. However, we recommend that you carry out the complete process, that is, accreditation (filling in data) and payment in order to avoid queues at the site.


You will be able to register and make payment, but at the time of your visit you will be asked to provide proof of professional practice focused on the sector. Website, social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, etc.). You must prove that you use these communication tools to sell products and/or services.


Yes, you can register and make payment, but at the time of your visit you may be asked for a signed statement stating that you are visiting the event in order to research how to open a future business.


You will be able to follow the communication of the exhibiting companies you are interested in to find out about the actions prepared for the event. The event organization does not have detailed information about the actions of each exhibiting company.


Yes. As long as you are over 14 years old and a student in areas linked to the event. Example: Gastronomy, Food Engineering, Nutrition, bakery, confectionery, etc. When collecting your credential, you will be asked for your educational institution card with your details and photo (see question no. 3)


Children under 14 will not be allowed entry, even if accompanied by their parents or guardians.

If your child is 14 years old on the date of your visit, they will be able to register, make payment and must, on the day of the visit, present an official document with a photo. Example: RG

If you are a student, ticket purchases can only be made in person on the days of the event, presenting your Student Identification Card.

Infants with children up to 11 months and 29 days of age will have access permitted by signing a Term of Responsibility with the Fair Administration, at the time of the visit

As long as you are an infant up to 11 months and 29 days old and meet the requirements as described in the question above. If you do not meet the requirements, entry will not be permitted.

Para motocicletas preço único de R$ 30,00

Para veículos de passeio preço único de R$ 85,00

Ônibus e/ou Micro-ônibus preço único de R$ 120,00

Parking is managed by ESTAPAR, therefore FIPAN does not define values.

According to the Municipal Law of the city of São Paulo (nº 10,309): “The entry or permanence of animals in places or establishments where food products are handled, processed, prepared, sold or manufactured is prohibited. “EXCEPTION: LAW No. LAW No. 11,126, OF JUNE 27, 2005 WHICH ALLOWS THE ENTRY OF PEOPLE ACCOMPANIED BY A GUIDE DOG


You can as long as you work in your company. However, each visitor must make their accreditation/payment, as the CPF is mandatory, as the credential is personal and non-transferable.


Sim. A FIPAN disponibiliza scooters, porém em quantidade limitada. Mediante apresentação de atestado médico informando sobre essa necessidade, o custo é de R$ 50,00 por 3 horas de utilização + R$ 20,00 por hora adicional. A scooter deverá ser retirada, mediante pagamento na Administração da Feira. 

Yes. We provide a link on our website to access the hotel reservation system with our official agency, AD Feiras.


You must contact our Press Office who will inform you of the conditions for press accreditation.


The Organization suggests that, as it is a business fair, visitors should not go to the event wearing shorts, tank tops, caps and/or flip-flops


FIPAN takes place from July 22nd to 25th, at Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo, from 1pm to 9pm (on July 25th, closing at 7pm)

The closest metro station to Expo Center Norte:  Portuguesa/Tietê (Line 1 – Blue)


Tietê Bus Terminal: approx. 2km

Congonhas Airport: approx. 16km

Guarulhos Airport (GRU): approx.25km

Highways that give access to Marginal Tietê:

Castelo Branco, Anhanguera, Bandeirantes, Presidente Dutra, Fernão Dias, Ayrton Senna

Registration takes place at the ARENA DO CONFEITEIRO stand on the days of the event. Vacancies are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the schedule of courses/lectures may be subject to change.

Registration takes place at the FIPAN PIZZA stand on the days of the event. Vacancies are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that the schedule of courses/lectures may be subject to change.

The speakers/chefs are already defined by the Organization and the Sponsors.

The event map will be made available on our website in June/2025

Contact our sales team by filling in your company details at this link.

Children under 14 cannot enter the fair.
Minors between 14 years old (complete on the date of the fair) and 18 years old can only enter the fair accompanied by their parents or legal guardians.
Sim. O evento pode ser filmado, gravado ou fotografado, a critério da Organização, para posterior publicação, transmissão, retransmissão ou reprodução  Ao comparecer ao evento, você concorda, autoriza e cede o uso gratuito de sua imagem, nome e voz, sem limitação, sem que caracterize uso indevido de imagem ou qualquer outra violação de direitos e sem que deste uso decorra qualquer ônus e/ou indenização.Sim. O evento pode ser filmado, gravado ou fotografado, a critério da Organização, para posterior publicação, transmissão, retransmissão ou reprodução  Ao comparecer ao evento, você concorda, autoriza e cede o uso gratuito de sua imagem, nome e voz, sem limitação, sem que caracterize uso indevido de imagem ou qualquer outra violação de direitos e sem que deste uso decorra qualquer ônus e/ou indenização.
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